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Developments in the world of Florence Mills lore may not happen at the frenetic pace of the modern media but there are plenty of things happening from time to time so I hope to update this page regularly.
The previous editions of news can be seen still at Archive No. 1No. 2 , No.3 , No.4 , No.5 , No.6 , No.7No.8 , NO.9No.10No.11No.12No.13No.14, No.15 and No.16

At last, contemporary proof from the Paris media that Florence Mills was indeed an honored guest at the Gala event to celebrate Charles Lindbergh's 1927 cross-Atlantic flight:

From Comoedia, 28 May 1927; which translates as:
Miss Florence Mills, visiting Paris at the request of M. Edmond Sayag, kindly lent her support free of charge,
 to the very great joy of an enthusiastic public, who gave a warm welcome to the exquisite “Blackbird”.

Also this re her visiting Johnny Hudgins while in town:

  That's all for now, folks

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