Latest News & Developments

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Developments in the world of Florence Mills lore may not happen at the frenetic pace of the modern media but there are plenty of things happening from time to time so I hope to update this page regularly.
The previous editions of news can be seen still at Archive No. 1No. 2 , No.3 , No.4 , No.5 , No.6 , No.7No.8 , NO.9No.10No.11No.12No.13No.14, No.15  No.16  No.17No.18,  and No.19


My new book African American Entertainers in Australia and New Zealand: A History, 1788-1941 has now been optioned for a planned TV series in Australia. Although Florence Mills gets only passing references in the book, her husband U S Thompson features strongly, both for his own two years performing in Australia and New Zealand but also because of his support for Nina Mae McKinney during her controversial visit to Australia. People in Australia can order the book direct from me at a discount price


The foreshadowed (see Newsarchive 19 above) Florence Mills apartments in South Los Angeles are now a reality, see:

The video is worth watching as a great example of a community initiative for the under-privileged, as well as for a great tribute to Florence. The apartments are on or near the site of the demolished 1930s Florence Mills Theatre.

Here is a recent report of the apartments' completion:
It shows not one but two beautiful murals of Florence, also at:Florence Mills apartments.jpg


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